To help children live in a world of acceptance, we all play a part in modeling how to live and breathe acceptance while surrounded by differences. And as an educator, leader, and mentor of young children, this is an important responsibility.
Simply put – you are the person who helps each and every child know that he or she belongs in our world as an individual, and as part of a unit – a community, a team.
The Acceptance Curriculum will aid in facilitating conversations about acceptance, and teaching the power of pausing to hear how each child expresses his or her own uniqueness. You will be the one to help each child believe that acceptance is possible, and that there is a safe place for them to simply acknowledge differences and be themselves.
See The Acceptance Curriculum in Action!
The Acceptance Curriculum units of study are based on the worldwide conversation of acceptance that began when award winning and best selling author Cheryl Kilodavis courageously published her nonfiction book My Princess Boy. The need for exercises and examples of how to model positive acceptance behavior ABOUT ALL DIFFERENCES became evident to Cheryl when traveling the country and speaking with administrators, teachers, corporate and medical industry experts, and parents/guardians, grandparents, and students.
This curriculum will teach adults how to have safe conversations with students about accepting differences.
Used as an annual program or by unit, this curriculum is designed to start and continue a dialogue about acceptance, and return to the fundamental need we all have of being accepted for who we are.
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